Well, not a whole lot to put up here just yet, Just joined the competition and it's brand new! I''ll keep you updated as things progress. I hope to get some nice things to put up here soon.

OH one BIG thing though only have a 12 hour voting time span here
12 noon to 12 midnight pacific standard time. 
 monday through friday 

 here is a link for you to always know what time it is in las vegas, where the owners computer is based. 

I do hope you find my page worthy of the time it takes you to vote, it's only a few seconds but it means a lot to me. and its realy appreciated.

my supporters page for this competition is HERE and there you can also get a button for your  supporters board if you have one and join my  vote reminders list if you want to

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The music on this page is the Title song to Around the world in 80 days