Her Thoughts

What are my thoughts on all this? Well, I'm ecstatic, I love Bob dearly and at times already have think of him as my Husband. He's so wonderful. I look forward to being his wife. I know at times it will be hard, shoot it's hard already at times.  I know well have problems, but from where I stand now, nothing that we can't get over together. If we both work at it, and by gum I'm willing and wanting to work at it. I don't foresee any in-law problems either. I love his mom, haven't really gotten to know his dad or his younger bother that well, but from what I do know things will be great.
Being Married to him, I'm hoping wont change much in our relationship. We already live together so there wont be that adjustment to make. But it'll add the "yes we're official, we love each other and are totally committed to each other in all ways possible now", Idea that being married to each other will add to it. It's a wonderful thing to look forward to, to be show the world and everyone that we love and are devoted to each other.
I've been married once before yes, but I think at that time it was the presser of Harding's (aka the Marriage factory) to get married before you leave, and that I was well, "comfortable" with Toby that led me to do that. Not the feelings I get when I'm with Bob. I've gotten to know Bob better in the time we've know each other then in the much longer time I knew Toby. I don't see any of the problems that we had happening with Bob at all, and I am definitely not looking at the wedding as if, well if this doesn't work or gets hard then I'll just do what I did with Toby and divorce him" no, this time it's final and  forever. Period. any problems we have we will work out. I can't see any of the noneworkoutble problems with Bob and I like I had with Toby. 
I love Bob with all my heart and soul and will forever. I just can't see the rest of my life with out him in it, at my side. It just doesn't work. I need him to support me, I need ot support him. I love him, It's like he completes me. With out him I'm only half a person, he makes me whole. I could go on and on about this but then I'd run out of space and I'm sure you all don't want to read all that anyway. So I'll stop this now and go on to other things.

What is the Bride wearing?

That's the big question that most people wonder about a wedding. We'll I'll be giving you all a sneak peak at the construction of my Dress, just, not on this page. Because I want to make sure that Bob doen't see it you have to go to this page HERE and see it and read about it's construction. Bob your to allowed to go to that page.

How did he ask me? Rings, Invitations and other wedding stuff Our wodnerful Attendants! Well, me, my dress, and thoughts on the wedding. Bob the dragon, his outfit and his thoughts on this.
Special deatails about the ceremony. Details about the reception Our Clothing, and wehre/ how to find clothing yourself. Special events to be held before the wedding (showers, parties ect) When what's happining in the here wedding.

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